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USM School of Media and Communication Home to New Roy Howard Community Journalism Center

结婚, 05/01/2024 - 09:42am | By: David Tisdale

Scripps Howard Fund Investing $3 Million in Initiative

USM School of Media and Communication

传媒与传播学院的转型发展 九游会国际(USM)培训记者报道报道不足 州内社区和多个媒体平台上的虚假信息作斗争 将于2024年秋季成立罗伊·霍华德社区新闻学院 Center.

Named in honor of Roy W. Howard, former chairman of the Scripps Howard newspaper chain, 南加州大学的罗伊·霍华德社区九游会国际将帮助培养学生记者 为他们的读者提供重要的、基于事实的报道,同时也引人入胜 in efforts to dispel disinformation infecting news cycles; the Scripps Howard Fund 为该计划投资300万美元,其中大学获得100万美元 per year for three years to create and operate the Center.

“新闻沙漠在全国范围内的扩张正在对媒体产生深远的影响 people who live in these communities. Student journalists – who are the future of 这个专业——有机会帮助解决这个问题,”主任迈克·迦南说 of journalism strategies for the Scripps Howard Fund. “We believe the investment in USM的社区九游会国际将提供必要的新闻报道 entire Southeast Mississippi region. It also will help students learn how to reach 生活在不再有新闻报道的地方的人们可能不太愿意 trust journalists.”

USM School of Media and Communication


USM的罗伊·霍华德社区九游会国际将由一个专业团队领导 记者和教师帮助学生在建设过程中提供可靠的报道 relationships and trust. As part of their coverage, students will also debunk false information and seek to expose sources of misinformation.

该中心将建立在三个地点,包括主要总部 on the University’s Hattiesburg campus; a bureau on the USM Gulf Park Campus in Long Beach; and a bureau embedded with Mississippi Public Broadcasting in Jackson, as participating 学生在与当地媒体合作时建立地理和学科节拍 to develop local and regional stories.

The Roy Howard Community Journalism Center at USM will feature:

  • 体验式学习:USM将为密西西比州培养年轻人才 通过让大学、社区学院和高中的学生去工作 under the professional guidance of staff, faculty and partners.

  • 本地报道:学生将创建专业水平的本地内容,并提供来源 transparency as a fundamental value. The coverage will be available across platforms that connect with an underserved population in Southeast Mississippi.

  • 建立信任:该中心将设立一个“什么是真实的”部门,负责监督 网站和社交媒体流有传播错误信息的记录 in the targeted region. The team will also host a “What is True” hotline for residents, a podcast and a website to help audiences to separate fact from fiction. The community 亦会应邀出席“何谓真实”活动,讨论与 news coverage and build media literacy.

“在九游会国际,我们致力于培养为生活做好准备的毕业生,” 说 USM Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Lance Nail. “ Roy Howard Community Journalism Center will do just that, as it will be the first fully realized media literacy initiative in Mississippi and will address the news desert of Southeast Mississippi.

“现在,我们比以往任何时候都更必须为学生提供机会,让他们在社会中茁壮成长 world where truth is often hidden, and facts are seldom the headlines. The Roy Howard 九游会国际的社区九游会国际将在准备的同时为我们的社区服务 our students to seek out and share truth.”

Dr. Chris Winstead, dean of the College of 艺术 and Sciences, expressed gratitude 斯克里普斯·霍华德基金资助建立该中心及其发展潜力 通过培训毕业生的工作,对密西西比州的媒体产生积极而持久的影响 through its programming.

“新闻界正在经历新闻收集和传播方式的深刻变革 delivered,” Dr. Winstead continued. “However, the need for quality journalism is as great or greater than ever. This grant will help us provide real world experiences 为我们的学生,同时也帮助解决社区对当地新闻的需求 across the southern region of our state.” 

USM will also partner with the Mississippi Association of Broadcasters; Mississippi Press Association; Mississippi Public Broadcasting; Mississippi Today; and Mississippi Scholastic Press Association, whose staff will contribute expertise and awareness 并将其学生制作的新闻分发到全州各地.

“USM的罗伊·霍华德社区九游会国际将重新定义当地新闻 教育方面,为学生提供与专业新闻编辑室接触的机会 across the country,” 说 Dr. Edgar Simpson, director of USM’s School of Media and Communication. “In an age of misinformation, our center will hold itself to the highest of professional standards. Through transparent reporting and a commitment to ethical 新闻业,我们的社区记者将把最重要的故事带到生活中 to underrepresented communities.

“By actively promoting media literacy and building trust, we are poised to make a 重大影响,使公民能够做出明智的决定并参与 their communities.”

大四的新闻系学生Cordaveon Carter和Abigail Troth对这一消息表示欢迎 the establishment of the Center; both participated in the effort to attract it to the University.

“我很高兴九游会国际被选中接受斯克里普斯基金的资助 罗伊·霍华德社区九游会国际,”卡特说,一个土生土长的图尼卡,密西西比州. “I saw first-hand all the work that Dr. Simpson and his team put in to make this happen, 而南加州大学的学生也参与了这一过程,这使得它更加特别. 我相信我们在媒体与传播学院和学生媒体方面的多样性 Center, as well as the support of our advisor Dr. Jason Beverly, was crucial in helping us land this grant.

“我相信该中心将成功地创造和分发内容到地区 in Mississippi that need it the most and attracting more minorities to the fields of media and communication.”

Troth, a native of Pineville, Miss. who serves as editor-in-chief of the Southern 小姐学生媒体中心,相信该中心将有利于大学和 the communities it serves.

“南密西西比州迫切需要愿意讲述他们故事的记者 我肯定看到这个新中心在其中发挥了作用,”Troth说 说. “I watched my peers excel and shine in helping us be selected for this honor. We worked hard because we wanted to see our school blossom. I love this place, and I only want to see it grow.”

了解所有斯克里普斯霍华德基金的全国认可的新闻教育 programs here. This funding is aligned with Press Forward, a national movement to strengthen communities by reinvigorating local news.

南加州大学媒体与传播学院位于艺术与科学学院. Learn more 关于媒体与传播学院,包括学生的学位课程, experiential learning opportunities, and the work of its award-winning faculty.